Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"All About Me" Language Unit

Each day students participate in a small group language lesson. These lessons are designed around a theme and work on improving student communication and language skills. Lessons are individualized to meet the communication and language needs of each student. 

During the next 2 weeks our language lessons will focus around the "All About Me" theme. During day one students worked on introducing themselves or identifying their name. Some students worked on identifying their written name while others worked on identifying their picture. Readers worked on identifying the names of other students and letter patterns within names. Some students worked on verbally introducing themselves and others worked on using communication devices to introduce themselves.

Day two built on lesson one by adding the concept of boy/girl. Students looked at pictures of people and stated whether the picture was of a boy or a girl verbally or with communication devices. Some students added to this with man/woman. Readers used the pictures to complete sentences using the action verbs shown in the pictures.  Below are a few pictures of some of our materials for this week. 

Don't forget to send in the "All About Me" book for sharing this week!



Visuals are a large part of our classroom everyday. Visuals help students understand our daily schedule, remember classroom rules and provide behavioral support. 

Visual supports are anything that students see that are used to enhance communication. Visual supports make communication more specific and encourage consistency in expectations and classroom procedures. 

Many students use an individual picture schedule to help them keep track of what their daily schedule looks like each day. Students place the current activity on their blue box. When the activity is over they place the piece inside the box and check to see what's next. 

For some students a picture schedule can be overwhelming. These students use a first/then board to help them understand the daily activities. 

For students who require more reinforcement with completing individual activities, they may use a picture schedule with reinforcement provided after each task is finished. 

Visual Supports for Behavior/Task Completion:

Some students use a visual board for their reward system. Students choose what they want to work for at the beginning of the day from a choice of 3 pictures. As they complete tasks or show appropriate behavior they receive tokens on their board. When the board is filled they receive their reward. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome Back to Our Classroom!

Day one is done! 
Students had a great start to the school year! Here is a peek inside our classroom setup. 

Our circle time area. 
Students move crates to their assigned spot on the carpet outlined by the green tape.

Student work areas. 
Some students sit in small groups while others have individual work areas based on student need.

New center area.
This area is used for fine motor and functional play time.

Class Schedule

Below is our class schedule. Names do not appear for privacy reasons. You can get a good idea of your child's schedule by following the grade level. You can see we stay busy all day!!

Each student has an individualized schedule to meet their needs. If you have specific questions about your student's schedule, please let me know!